Brooklynn Eastman is a senior at Anna Jonesboro Community High School. She really enjoys being ... Learn More
Brooklynn Eastman
About Me
Brooklynn Eastman is a senior at Anna Jonesboro Community High School. She really enjoys being involved in her school. Brooklynn is the Senior Class President, Student Council President, Blood Drive Coordinator, National Honor Society President, and the Illinois State Beta Vice President. Brooklynn was also recently chosen by her class to be on Homecoming Court. Brooklynn spends most of her time fulfilling these duties but also fits in time for her favorite hobbies, pageants and time with her friends and family. With CEO, Brooklynn hopes to gain better interview and speaking skills.
Brooklynn Eastman's DISC Profile
Conservative, Mild, Agreeable, Deliberate
Inspiring, Enthusiastic, Sociable, Poised
Steady, Outgoing, Restless, Active
Neat, Balanced, Independent, Rebellious