Union County Fair- Part 1

We are lucky that our first full week of CEO falls during Union County Fair Week so it is always one of our first visits for the new team!

Our first stop was the Shriner’s Food Stand for breakfast! In case you didn’t know, they serve breakfast, lunch and dinner during fair week and their food is delicious! The team members had biscuits and gravy, eggs, sausage, and a couple threw caution to the wind and had blackberry cobbler! 😋😋 The stand is staffed with members who volunteer their time to make sure there is plenty of food available all week.

We were fortunate to visit with Ron Garner, a 51 year member of our local Shriners. He shared that the Shriners support many children’s hospitals around the world who provide free services to children and families with different medical conditions. We are fortunate to have a local group who are so dedicated to their cause.

Thank you to Ron Garner, Melanie McReynolds and the other Shriners working and preparing breakfast! It was delicious, as always, and we really enjoyed it!

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