One of our CEO family members from Team 2022 is in need of a kidney. Kyle Hall has dealt with his kidney issues for 10 years. Please share.

From a previous post from his mother, Jennifer Reynolds Montoya, “We spent the day in STL having transplant education for Kyle Hall. Once we finish our appointment with the transplant surgeon on Monday, Kyle will officially be approved for transplant. He has dealt with kidney disease for over 10 years now, and it’s finally time to get him a new kidney. So many of you have reached out asking how you can get tested to see if you’re a match, so I want to share how you can do just that. Without a living donor, Kyle could be waiting on the National list for 3 to 9 years before we get a kidney.
“Please go to
You’ll be asked a few questions to see if you’re eligible for testing. If you qualify, the testing and everything that follows will be covered by Kyle’s insurance. We are so incredibly thankful for all your support and prayers for Kyle. Please continue to lift him up as we go through this process.”

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